Factores sociales que determinan el comportamiento de consumo sustentable en la zona conurbada de Querétaro

  1. Edna Cristina Figueroa García
  2. Juan José García Machado
  3. Juan Manuel Vizcaíno Arredondo
  4. Luis Fernando Pantoja Amaro
Contaduría y administración

ISSN: 0186-1042 2448-8410

Year of publication: 2024

Volume: 69

Issue: 2

Pages: 185-210

Type: Article

More publications in: Contaduría y administración


The objective of this research is to define the social factors that are determinants in the sustainable consumption behavior of people in Mexico. The study presents a cross-sectional empirical statistical design that obtained results through an integrated PLS-SEM model. A questionnaire with 26 indicators was applied to a probabilistic sample of 244 elements. The starting point was a theoretical model that concluded that 50.8% of the variance of the sustainable consumption behavior variable is explained by the factors of education and information, social pressure, market conditions, influences of the social environment and demographic values. This model provided information for those who want to participate in society's transition to sustainability, since there are elements for the pertinent design of strategies, programs, solutions and any other action aimed at this end.

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