Movilidad viaria entre Cartagena de Indias y su área de influencia (2009-2019)
- Amezquita López, Julio
- José Manuel Jurado Almonte Director
Defence university: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 11 May 2023
Type: Thesis
Everyday mobility is a phenomenon studied from different approaches and for different purposes, but with repercussions on urban and metropolitan dynamics depending on the scale of analysis, ranging from spatial, social and political to sustainability and territorial cohesion. This research studies different approaches and instruments in order to combine them in a heuristic that allows us to verify the correlation between the daily mobility of those who transit the inter-municipal border on a daily basis, with respect to the evolution of the spatial configuration in Cartagena de Indias and its area of influence, considering the disruption or emergence as the categorical expression of this dynamic or differentiation. To solve this test, different approaches and methods are combined for a heuristic that addresses the determining factors and their unexpected or self-organising effects. In particular, road congestion turns out to be an emerging phenomenon that allows to evaluate the results of road infrastructure policies or traffic and transport regulation instruments in a city with tourist and port enclaves in relation to the degrees of freedom of movement and accessibility for people travelling in this urban area. The results of this research will allow a more comprehensive approach to the unexpected or self-organising effects on everyday mobility derived from infrastructure policies and mobility and transport regulation instruments. Of the effects linked to the operation of tourist or port enclaves, those that affect the degrees of freedom in the movement and accessibility of people travelling to and from the area of influence of Cartagena de Indias are considered to have the greatest impact.