Estudio y edición crítica de la Obra de redención con devotas y útiles consideraciones en estancias (Sevilla, Alonso de la Barrera, 1590 y1595) de fray Gaspar de los Reyes
- Márquez Contreras, Rafael Luis
- José Manuel Rico García Directeur
Université de défendre: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 21 juin 2023
Type: Thèses
The Augustinian friar Gaspar de los Reyes, born in Antequera, was the author of the Obra de la redención con devotas y útiles consideraciones en estancias (Seville, Alonso de la Barrera, 1590 and 1595), an extensive poem in octaves dedicated to the Passion of Christ, and of the Tesoro de conceptos divinos compuestos en todo género de verso, printed in Seville in 1613 by Clemente Hidalgo. There are numerous uncertainties about his life which this thesis sets out to clear up, while it raises new questions on some aspects of his existence. Fray Gaspar de los Reyes was a poet recognised by his contemporaries as a representative of sacred conceptismo, an aspect of religious poetry that enjoyed extraordinary vitality from the last decade of the 16th centun,' and throughout much of the 17th century. Today, however, he is a forgotten poet in literary history and criticism. The main reason for his oblivion lies in the precarious transmission of his work: only two copies of the princeps edition of Tesoro de conceptos survive (one in the Biblioteca Nacional de E¥a and the Other in the library of the Hispanic Society in New York), of which no reprint or subsequent edition was made; only three printed copies of the Obra de la redención survive, as well as a manuscript that copies a copy of the Sevillian edition of 1595, printed by Alonso de la Barrera. Two of the known printed copies are mutilated; one is missing the title page and the final folios; the Other is missing the last folios. The thesis suggests that one of the testimonies, the one lacking the title page and the final folios, represents the editio prínceps for which it is conjectured, based on textual and material analysis, the date of 1590, the year of the death of the dedicatee, the 4th Marquis of Tarifa, to whom, while still alive, the author addressed in an epistle in tercets. Based on the text set in the edition of the Obra de la redención, the introductory study and the philological annotation focus on the relationship of the work with the context of the religious poetry of its time, especially in relation to the epic dedicated to recounting the life and passion of Christ. Likewise, the whole of Fray Gaspar de los Reyes' production is examined in the light of the Antequera poetry of his time.