Narrativas transmedia en las clases de inglés y español para el desarrollo de la comprensión lectora

  1. Andrade Velásquez, Marjorie Roxana
Supervised by:
  1. María del Carmen Fonseca Mora Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 03 July 2023


Type: Thesis


Generating innovative learning environments requires the use of creative and motivating strategies in the teaching of other languages, as well as in regular Spanish classes, for the creation of stories that awaken students' interest in a specific topic with the use of a more attractive format such as Transmedia Narratives. The present research called Transmedia Narratives in English and Spanish classes for the development of reading comprehension, aims to improve reading comprehension of English and Spanish through the use of an innovative strategy that facilitates teaching and learning in the classroom. The objective proposed in this research is to analyze if there is an improvement in reading comprehension after the intervention program based on Transmedia Narratives in English classes of first, second and third year students of the Bachillerato general unificado of the school year 2021 of the Educational Unit 9 de Octubre and in the Spanish classes of the third and fifth level of the students of the subjects Children and Youth Literature and Didactics of Language and Literature of the Basic Education career of the School of Educational Sciences of the Pontifical Catholic University of Santo Domingo, Santo Domingo, in the period 202101. The sample is made up of 110 students, 59 students from 9 de Octubre school and 51 students from Pontificia Universidad Católica in Santo Domingo. The problem of origin of this research is the level of reading comprehension performance in English and Spanish, which is lower than expected for their educational level. The methodology used in this study is descriptive, with a quantitative approach and a quasi-experimental design based on the measurement and comparison of variables, through questionnaires and scales, to collect data on the level of English proficiency, reading comprehension in English and Spanish, digital skills, socioemotional status, student motivation, and by obtaining the results, determine the validity and reliability of the educational proposal. The results have been processed in the statistical program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) by means of the descriptive statistics technique and impact evaluation. Tables were prepared to visualize the effect of the didactic activities on reading comprehension. According to each of the stated objectives, the bibliographic and lincographic sources on which the theory is based and on which the proposal is based were reviewed. As a main result, the students' reading comprehension has been improved and two instruments have been designed for the planning of the strategy and the self-evaluation of the teaching action in the use of Transmedia Narratives in English and Spanish classes. Finally, methodological recommendations for the didactic use of the tool are given.