Estado actual de la Enfermería en los Centros de Día Gerontológicos de Huelva
- García Padilla, Francisca María
- Arana Rodríguez, Andrés
- Sánchez Galloso, Julia
ISSN: 1699-6003
Any de publicació: 2024
Número: 68
Pàgines: 267-280
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Cultura de los cuidados: Revista de Enfermería y Humanidades
Introduction: Population aging has opened up a new and broad field of study for health science in which nursing must investigate to guarantee the health autonomy of older people. Objective: To make visible the Gerontological Day Centers (CDG) and the activities of nursing professionals in these centers in Huelva. Methodology: A qualitative investigation has been carried out using questionnaires and interviews directed at the management and nursing staff of several Day Centers in Huelva and the province. Results: The CDG are an intermediate resource with multiple objectives and functions, which offer quality of life for both the elderly and their families. They are made up of a basic team of professionals who work on a non-permanent basis. The role of nursing is essential, but it has a very poor employment situation. Conclusion: These centers provide professional care and allow them to remain in their usual homes, favoring the quality of life and autonomy of this older population. The bibliography on this topic is scarce, so it is considered necessary to deepen its research along with the implementation of programs and improvement proposals that make these socio-health centers known.
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