Detrás del velo. Prohibiciones respecto a las vestimentas en el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos

  1. Aurora María López Medina
Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado

ISSN: 1696-9669

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 26

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista General de Derecho Canónico y Derecho Eclesiástico del Estado

Sustainable development goals


The European Court of Human Rights has expressed about the use of so-called "The Islamic headscarf" on several occasions. The case of Leyla Sahin in 2004 led to controversy because it is not easy to understand the Strasbourg Court's position, except through an analysis of characteristics of the Turkish legal system, the country in which the judged events occurred. Again in February 2010 a sentence of this Court addressed the issue of use of "religious" clothing and its meaning within a secular state. The comparison of both decisions that is made in this article, aims to show that admitting or not of the use of garments to denote the belonging to a particular religious group, is not simply a question of limits on religious freedom, but it is very useful for an analysis of Turkish society today.

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