Evaluación de la transferencia de excitación sexual mediante clases de equivalencia. Conductual

  1. Povedano-García, A.
  2. Hernández-Sande, A.
  3. Cortés-Sánchez, L.
  4. Sánchez-Oro-Castellano, I.
  5. Lorca-Marín, J. A.
  6. García-García, A.

ISSN: 2340-0242

Année de publication: 2015

Volumen: 3

Número: 1

Pages: 58-73

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: CONDUCTUAL


This research aims to study the existence of transfer functions through classical conditioning using procedure appealing. Participants learned how to form two equivalence classes of five stimulus, each of them made by a training procedure about equivalence classes. Subsequently, two members of one of the classes were conditioned with erotic videos. Later, it was intended to verify whether there was any transfer of functions to the rest of stimulus of the conditioned class, using two procedures: extinction test, and a second period of conditioning. All participants successfully passed the training about equivalence classes. An increase in the level of skin conductance according to the classical conditioning procedure wasalso observed. However this increase was observed in all the stimulus, so the transfer functions was not demonstrated.

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