Uranium-isotopes determinations in waters from Almonte-Marismas aquifer (southern Spain)

  1. J. González-Labajo 1
  2. J.P. Bolívar 1
  3. R. García-Tenorio 2
  1. 1 Department of Applied Physics, University of Huelva
  2. 2 Department of Applied Physics II, University of Sevilla, ETSA
Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Applied Physics: Proceedings of the First International Meeting on Applied Physics (APHYS-2003) October 13-18th 2003, Badajoz, Spain
  1. A. Méndez Vilas (dir.)

Editorial: Elsevier

ISBN: 978-0-08-044648-6

Año de publicación: 2005

Páginas: 701-708

Congreso: International Meeting on Applied Physics (1. 2005. Badajoz)

Tipo: Aportación congreso