Análisis de la empleabilidad y la orientación laboral en el contexto de las políticas activas de empleo y su concreción actual en la Ley 3/2023 de 28 de febrero, de Empleo

  1. José A. Climent Rodríguez 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Huelva

    Universidad de Huelva

    Huelva, España


Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado: Revista de Estudios sobre Ciencias del Trabajo y Protección Social

ISSN: 2660-4884

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 1

Pages: 87-113

Type: Article

DOI: 10.12795/TPDM.MON.2023.02 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Trabajo, Persona, Derecho, Mercado: Revista de Estudios sobre Ciencias del Trabajo y Protección Social


The current relevance of career guidance in the definition of employ-ment activation policies places it in an advantageous position, but at the same time, it means greater responsibility regarding the quality of actions and services that allow it to respond appropriately. to the expectations created. In the regulatory field for employment in our country, the current relevance of career guidance is unquestiona-ble, being one of the axes of employment activation policies. The new regulatory fra-mework, through Law 3/2023 of February 28, on Employment, aims to universalize the provision of a comprehensive guidance and continuous support service, inclu-ding information, professional guidance, motivation, advice, diagnosis. and determi-nation of the professional profile and skills, design and management of the individual learning path, job search techniques, as well as actions to support insertion. On the other hand, a personalized itinerary or plan appropriate to the profile of the user is guaranteed, paying special attention to the elimination of biases or stereotypes of any kind. On the other hand, employability is treated systematically in Law 3/2023, of February 28, on Employment, proposing a conceptual delimitation of the term, as well as measures for the maintenance and improvement of employability, as well as inclusion, in an innovative way, measuring the improvement in employability ba-sed on the so-called employability, intermediation and coverage rates, based on tech-nological tools that will allow the identification of care patterns that show statistical evidence of their relationship with the improvement of employability. employability of all job seekers. This paper takes a tour of labor orientation in the context of ac-tive employment policies in our country, and its relationship with the conceptualiza-tion of employability, until reaching Law 3/2023, of February 28, on Employment.

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