Efectos de la COVID-19 en la salud mental de la población trabajadora ecuatoriana durante la primera ola de la pandemia

  1. Adanaqué Bravo, Ingrid Elsa
Dirigée par:
  1. Juan Gómez Salgado Directeur
  2. Carlos Ruiz Frutos Directeur

Université de défendre: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 23 janvier 2024

Type: Thèses


BACKGROUND: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2, which causes severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2), which causes COVID-19, caused a global health crisis with dramatic consequences. From this moment on, researchers from all over the world took the initiative to study the psychological distress (PD) that COVID-19 was generating in different populations and its relationship with other occupational factors. OBJECTIVES: The general objective of the thesis was to evaluate the PD generated by the COVID-19 pandemic during the first phase in Ecuador and its relationship with work engagement, burnout, and the work environment. The existing scientific knowledge about burnout or WE and its relationship with developing PD during the COVID-19 pandemic was analyzed. In the second phase, the level of PD in the Ecuadorian population during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was analyzed, identifying the possible association with sociodemographic variables, presence of physical symptoms, contact history and preventive measures adopted, to evaluate the relationship with the DP, WE and the work environment. METHODOLOGY: To achieve the first objective, a systematic review was carried out in the main databases. For the second objective, a cross-sectional study was carried out to measure psychological distress using the Goldberg general health questionnaire (GHQ-12), in addition, it was complemented with validated questionnaires that measured sociodemographic variables, symptoms, contact history and the preventive measures used. Finally, for the third objective, a cross-sectional study was also carried out for which the GHQ-12 was used, complemented with the UWES-9 to measure the WE and validated questionnaires that collected information on the work environment. RESULTS: The review analyzed 24 studies that were selected from 704 references. In all the articles, an association was found between the factors mentioned, and others emerged with an association with the WE. The field study conducted to assess the level of PD in the population of Ecuador during the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic found that 62.72% of the sample had PD and that it is predicted by the variables: being a woman with 69.1% versus men with 55%, level of university studies, not having children, poor perception of health during the last 14 days and increased number of symptoms. According to the study of the association of the DP with the WE and work environment, it was observed that the global mean value of the WE measured with the UWES-9 questionnaire was 4.5 (SD=1.2), which is considered a medium level of commitment in the UWES-9, being lower among those with PD (M = 4.2; SD=1.2). With respect to work environment, PD results were higher in workplaces where there was an increase in labor disputes, in those places where the risk of infection was high and, in those environments, where a greater workload and more stress were perceived. CONCLUSIONS: As a result of the study, it can be concluded that there is an association between the PD, burnout and WE, finding levels from medium to low in the WE, when the levels of PD and burnout are high, being able to attribute these results to the internal organization of each institution and country, such as the allocation of all protection resources in the workplace, the monitoring by managers of their employees or the dissemination of accurate and reliable information; but other factors that have an association with WE such as presenteeism, meaningful work, mindfulness and even emotional intelligence were also found. Globally, the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on mental health and in Ecuador 62.72% of the Ecuadorian population presented PD, it can also be concluded, from the study carried out in this country that there is a relationship between the WE, work environment and PD, factors that must be taken into consideration to minimize the impact of these events on labor productivity.