Nuevos migrantes españolesen la capital de Europaestrategias de movilidad, inserción laboral y participación política
- Francisco José Cuberos-Gallardo 1
- Angels Escrivà 2
- Anastasia Bermúdez 1
Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 2594-0279, 1665-8906
Year of publication: 2023
Issue: 14
Type: Article
More publications in: Migraciones Internacionales
This article provides a criticalanalysis of the mobility, labor, and political strategies of migration from Spain to Brussels following the 2008 economic crisis, comparing it with past migration flows. The data used in this study is based on fieldwork conducted from 2018 to 2020, which involved qualitative interviews with Spanish migrants. The results allow us to identify two distinct mobility profiles: first, individuals who relocated to Brussels and interrupted their labor trajectories in Spain, and second, those who migratedas part of a transnational professional project. These two profiles exhibit different strategies in terms of mobility, labor insertion, and transnational political participation. Our analysis contributes to the existing literature on new intra-European mobilities from South to North, specifically focusing on the context of Brussels as a global city with dual characteristics, which provides opportunities as well as precarious conditions for these new migrants.
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