Isla MayorImpacto económico, social y cultural del cangrejo rojo americano

  1. Cepas Díaz, Ángel Luis
Supervised by:
  1. Juan Antonio Márquez Domínguez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 04 April 2024

  1. José Manuel Jurado Almonte Chair
  2. María José Cuesta Aguilar Secretary
  3. Francisco José Morales Yago Committee member

Type: Thesis


The so-called (IAS) Invasive Exotic Species are the main reason for the loss of biodiversity after the destruction of habitats and the fragmentation of the landscape (Williamson, 1996; Walker & Steffen 1997), becoming one of the main arguments why Policies at both the global and local levels are in conflict. In this sense, the relationship of social and economic aspects with IAS and probably due to the difficulty engendered by measuring negative or positive impacts, have not been the subject of the necessary attention to have a clearer vision of the situation that they can cause. in some cases. In order to assess these impacts at both a socio-cultural, economic and anthropological level, the experience revealed in the marsh population of Isla Mayor, next to the Dofiana Natural Park, has been used from its historical beginnings to the moment in which the invasive exotic species is implemented. "procambarus clarkii" known as the American red crab and its subsequent expansion, capture and commercialization. I hope that the conclusions obtained both at an economic and socio-cultural level can serve as information for subsequent political and legal decisionmaking related to the American red crab or "procambarus clarkii", its capture and commercialization, obtaining Possibly a different vision than the one that could have been initially had in relation to the impact on biodiversity and the ecosystem, its advantages and disadvantages.