El conjunto megalítico de Las Sileras (Córdoba)una aproximación multiescala y digital a un rompecabezas grabado en piedra
- Rafael M. Martínez Sánchez 1
- Alexis Maldonado Ruiz 2
- J. Carlos Vera Rodríguez 3
- M. Dolores Bretones García
- Rodrigo Balbín Behrmann 4
- Primitiva Bueno Ramírez 4
- 1 Área de Prehistoria, Departamento de Historia, Universidad de Córdoba
- 2 Departamento de Historia, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
- 3 Departamento de Historia, Geografía y Antropología, Universidad de Huelva
- 4 Área de Prehistoria, Universidad de Alcalá
ISSN: 0082-5638
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 81
Issue: 1
Type: Article
More publications in: Trabajos de Prehistoria
Sustainable development goals
n this study, we present the documentary evidence and study of the so-called Arroyo de las Sileras dolmen, published in the 1930s but that later disappeared. Initially described as an assemblage composed of fragments of orthostats with engrav-ings of spirals and concentric circles, it was presented as a unicum in the context of southern Iberia. Its ‘rediscovery’ has allowed us to undertake a walkover survey, conventional archaeological drawing, photogrammetry, digital anastylosis, and virtual mor-phological analysis. The results provide unpublished data on the engraved slabs, facilitating a discussion of the interpretation of the site. Archaeological survey has revealed assemblages of pottery remains dating from the Early Neolithic to the Early Copper Age. As a whole, Las Sileras group are part of a richer and more complex cultural landscape than was expected in the Middle Guadalquivir Valley during Late Prehistory.
Funding information
Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
- HAR2015-68595-P
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