José Antonio
Adame Carnero
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with José Antonio Adame Carnero (29)
Behavior of 222Rn, 220Rn and their progenies along a daily cycle for different meteorological situations: Implications on atmospheric aerosol residence times and Rn daughters' equilibrium factors
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 464
Short-term trend and temporal variations in atmospheric methane at an Atlantic coastal site in Southwestern Europe
Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 333
Ground-based and AIRS carbon monoxide behavior at El Arenosillo observatory (Southwestern Europe)
Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 310
A simple and precise methodology to determine particulate matter mass in atmospheric filters; validation and application cases
Environmental Research, Vol. 214
Surface ozone trends at El Arenosillo observatory from a new perspective
Environmental Research, Vol. 214
Surface ozone trends over a 21-year period at El Arenosillo observatory (Southwestern Europe)
Atmospheric Research, Vol. 269
Use of a fuzzy qualitative model to reanalyze radon relationship with atmospheric variables in a coastal area near a NORM repository
Environmental Technology and Innovation, Vol. 28
Radon transport events associated with the impact of a NORM repository in the SW of Europe
Environmental Pollution, Vol. 289
Applicability of the closed-circuit accumulation chamber technique to measure radon surface exhalation rate under laboratory conditions
Radiation Measurements, Vol. 133
Ground-based and OMI-TROPOMI NO2 measurements at El Arenosillo observatory: Unexpected upward trends
Environmental Pollution, Vol. 264
Influence of the accumulation chamber insertion depth to measure surface radon exhalation rates
Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 393
Radon behavior investigation based on cluster analysis and atmospheric modelling
Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 201, pp. 50-61
Impact of sea-land breezes on 210Pb in southern Iberian Peninsula– Feasibility study on using submicron-sized aerosol particles to analyze 210Pb hourly patterns
Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol. 7, Núm. 1, pp. 1-8
Analysis of the vertical radon structure at the spanish "El arenosillo" tower station
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 139, pp. 1-17
Spatial and temporal variation of surface ozone, NO and NO2 at urban, suburban, rural and industrial sites in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 186, Núm. 9, pp. 5337-5351
A mesoscale simulation of coastal circulation in the Guadalquivir valley (southwestern Iberian Peninsula) using the WRF-ARW model
Atmospheric Research, Vol. 124, pp. 1-20
Occupational exposures in two industrial plants devoted to the production of ammonium phosphate fertilisers
Journal of Radiological Protection, Vol. 33, Núm. 1, pp. 199-212
Vertical behaviour and meteorological properties of air masses in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula (1997-2007)
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vol. 119, Núm. 3-4, pp. 163-175
Assessment of an air pollution event in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula
Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 55, pp. 245-256
Atmospheric 222Rn concentration and source term at El Arenosillo 100 m meteorological tower in southwest Spain
Radiation Measurements, Vol. 47, Núm. 2, pp. 149-162