Argitalpenak (66) FRANCISCO JOSE MARTINEZ BOZA argitalpenak
Application of organo-montmorillonite in oil-based drilling fluids
Clay Science in Drilling and Drilling Fluids: Developments in Clay Science: Volume 11 (Elsevier), pp. 223-245
The influence of alkyl ammonium modifiers on the microstructure and high-pressure rheology of sepiolite-vegetable oil dispersions
Applied Clay Science, Vol. 247
Bioethanol production and alkali pulp processes as sources of anionic lignin surfactants
Polymers, Vol. 13, Núm. 16
Influence of formate concentration on the rheology and thermal degradation of xanthan gum
Polymers, Vol. 13, Núm. 19
Rheological characterization of sepiolite-vegetable oil suspensions at high pressures
Applied Clay Science, Vol. 212
Thermal and rheological properties of hydrophobic nanosilica in sunflower oil suspensions at high pressures
Nanomaterials, Vol. 11, Núm. 11
Equilibrio entre fases en Ingeniería Química
Universidad de Huelva
Flow behavior and thermal resistance of xanthan gum in formate brine
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 188
Rheological characterisation of xanthan gum in brine solutions at high temperature
Carbohydrate Polymers, Vol. 203, pp. 103-109
Modeling Pressure-Viscosity Behavior of Oil-Based Drilling Fluids
Oil and Gas Science and Technology, Vol. 72, Núm. 4
Organoclay influence on high pressure-high temperature volumetric properties of oil-based drilling fluids
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 151, pp. 13-23
Stability assessment of non-aqueous polymer dispersions through viscous flow and linear viscoelastic rheological tests
Polymer Testing, Vol. 50, pp. 164-171
Influence of aqueous phase volume fraction, organoclay concentration and pressure on invert-emulsion oil muds rheology
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 22, pp. 341-349
Effet combiné de la pression et de la température sur le comportement visqueux des boues de forage non-aqueuses
Oil and Gas Science and Technology, Vol. 69, Núm. 7, pp. 1283-1296
Influence of viscosity modifier nature and concentration on the viscous flow behaviour of oil-based drilling fluids at high pressure
Applied Clay Science, Vol. 87, pp. 14-21
Structure—property relationships in the development of bituminous foams from mdi based prepolymers
Rheologica Acta, Vol. 53, Núm. 8, pp. 123-131
Thermo-mechanical properties and microstructural considerations of MDI isocyanate-based bituminous foams
Materials Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 146, Núm. 3, pp. 261-268
Effects of MDI-PPG molecular weight on the thermorheological behaviour of MDI-isocyanate based bituminous foams
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol. 19, Núm. 2, pp. 704-711
A study into the processing of bitumen modified with tire crumb rubber and polymeric additives
Fuel Processing Technology, Vol. 95, pp. 137-143
Bituminous polyurethane foams for building applications: Influence of bitumen hardness
Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 30, pp. 706-713