Research center: Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Física, Matemáticas y Computación
Area: Engineering Projects
Research group: Grupo de Ingeniería Multidisciplinar Aplicada
Personal web:
Doctor by the Universidad de Sevilla with the thesis Los procesos de negociación aplicación de los enfoques sistémico, de las técnicas de decisión multicriterio discretas y de la teoría de juegos 1996.
PhD in Industrial Engineering (University of Seville, 1996), Master in Environment Engineering (Basque Country University, 1987), and Master in Industrial Engineering (Bilbao School of Engineering, 1985). Currently, he is a senior lecturer in Project Management and Environmental Engineering at the University of Huelva (UHU). Before joining academia, he worked as a construction project manager and environmental project engineer, as a business consultant, value engineer, and a legislative compliance inspector of industrial facilities for the Spanish government. His research includes energy planning, carbon dioxide emissions, environment modeling, municipal solid waste, project management, risk management, industrial maintenance modeling, knowledge-based systems, and the sustainable built environment. He has published 34 scientific papers in indexed journals (14 Q1), such as Journal of Cleaner Production, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Science of the Total Environment, Waste Management, Automation in Construction, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Expert Systems with Applications, Neurocomputing, Energy for Sustainable Development, Energy Policy, Carbon Management, and Dyna Ingeniería e Industria. He holds an h-index of 22 with 1665 citations (Google Scholar). Also, he is the author of 12 papers in other not-indexed journals, 18 book chapters, and more than 67 conference papers. His most cited article was published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews and has more than 131 citations in Scopus and 193 in Google Scholar. Another of his articles: Is India on the right pathway to reduce CO2 emissions? Decomposing an enlarged Kaya identity using the LMDI method for the period 1990–2016. Science of the Total Environment, 737 (, a first decile in its JCR category, has been employed as a scientific basis by the IPCC in its Sixth Report: "Report Climate change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (IPCC AR6 WG III). So far, it has accumulated 64 citations in Scopus and 88 in Google Scholar. Regarding his transfer of knowledge to society, during the last 17 years, he has had the honor of representing Spain as the Head of the Spanish delegation in the ISO/TC 258 Committee, responsible for elaborating the Project, Programme, and Portfolio Management global standards, and as President of the Spanish National Committee UNE SC1/CTN 157. In addition, since 2013, he has been a member of the "Digital Society Committee" and the "Engineering Research, Development, and Innovation Committee" of the Spanish Institute of Engineering (representative of Spanish engineers in the World Federation of Engineering Organizations). Also. He is also a regular referee for numerous internationally renowned journals, with more than 73 reviews. He is a member of the editorial board for four journals indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus: Dyna Engineering and Industry, Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development, Pensamiento Estratégico y Seguridad, and Clean Technologies. Finally, Dr Mena-Nieto also served as Vice-Chancellor for the University of Huelva and has provided his expertise as a project engineer, project manager, and consultant for various Spanish companies.