Publications (13) JAIME PRIETO THOMAS publications


  1. New distortion and unbalance indices based on power quality analyzer measurements

    IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 24, Núm. 2, pp. 501-507


  1. Desarrollo de las Guías ECTS en el ámbito de la Teoría de los Circuitos Eléctricos

    Proyectos de Innovación Docente 2006 [Recurso electrónico] (Universidad de Huelva), pp. 17


  1. Different approaches assesment in active power filter compensation

    Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON

  2. Improvement of the power quality with series active filter according to the IEC 61000

    Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON

  3. Load compensation active conditioner for power quality

    Proceedings of the Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference - MELECON


  1. Compensation in nonsinusoidal, unbalanced three-phase four-wire systems with active power-line conditioner

    IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Vol. 19, Núm. 4, pp. 1968-1974

  2. Electrotecnia práctica

    Universidad de Huelva