Universidade do Minho
Braga, PortugalPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universidade do Minho (30)
Umweltschädliche Einträge versus Verdünnungseffekten in von saurem Grubenwasser beeinflussten Wasserläufen: ein grafisches Modell für den Iberischen Pyritgürtel (Südwest-Spanien)
Mine Water and the Environment, Vol. 37, Núm. 1, pp. 211-216
Eine statistische Bestimmung der Durchlaufgeschwindigkeit von Schadstoffen eines von Acid Mine Drainage betroffenen Wasserreservoirs des Iberischen Pyritgürtels
Mine Water and the Environment, Vol. 36, Núm. 1, pp. 34-38
Hydrochemical characterization of a river affected by acid mine drainage in the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Water Science and Technology, Vol. 75, Núm. 11, pp. 2499-2507
Aplicación de cluster lineal a la caracterización hidroquímica del efluente ácido de Mina Concepción
Geotemas (Madrid), Núm. 16, pp. 91-94
Characterization of water reservoirs affected by acid mine drainage: geochemical, mineralogical, and biological (diatoms) properties of the water
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 23, Núm. 7, pp. 6002-6011
Definition of redox and pH influence in the AMD mine system using a fuzzy qualitative tool (Iberian Pyrite Belt, SW Spain)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Vol. 23, Núm. 6, pp. 5451-5458
Erratum to Characterization of water reservoirs affected by acid mine drainage: geochemical, mineralogical, and biological (diatoms) properties of the water (Environ Sci Pollut Res, DOI 10.1007/s11356-015-4776-0)
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Escombreiras reativas da mina de Valdarcas (NW de Portugal): Evolução da cobertura vegetal
Geotemas (Madrid), Núm. 16, pp. 83-86
Polonium behaviour in reservoirs potentially affected by acid mine drainage (AMD) in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW of Spain)
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, Vol. 152, pp. 60-69
Relationships between sources of acid mine drainage and the hydrochemistry of acid effluents during rainy season in the Iberian Pyrite Belt
Water Science and Technology, Vol. 73, Núm. 2, pp. 345-354
Spatial distribution of major and trace elements in a mining dam: sources and relationships among elements of environmental concern
Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 75, Núm. 4, pp. 1-11
Spatial evolution of an AMD stream in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: Process characterization and control factors on the hydrochemistry
Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 61, Núm. 8, pp. 1503-1511
Study of the transit and attenuation of pollutants in a water reservoir receiving acid mine drainage in the Iberian pyrite belt (SW Spain)
Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, Vol. 16, Núm. 1, pp. 128-134
Acid mine drainage in semi-arid regions: The extent of the problem in the waters of reservoirs in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain)
Hydrology Research, Vol. 46, Núm. 1, pp. 156-167
Ein Fuzzy-Logik-Ansatz zur Modellierung des Schadstofftransports in einem durch Sauerwasser beeinflussten Stausee
Mine Water and the Environment, Vol. 34, Núm. 3, pp. 352-360
Hydrochemical changes in a reservoir that receives water contaminated by acid mine drainage
Hydrology Research, Vol. 46, Núm. 3, pp. 303-312
Mineralogy and geochemistry of a clogged mining reservoir affected by historical acid mine drainage in an abandoned mining area
Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Vol. 157, pp. 66-76
Stratification of metal and sulphate loads in acid mine drainage receiving water dams - Variables regionalization by cluster analysis
Water Environment Research, Vol. 87, Núm. 7, pp. 626-634
Caractérisation hydrochimique d'un réservoir affecté par un drainage de mine acide: Le réservoir de Sancho, Huelva, Sud-Ouest espagnol
Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 59, Núm. 6, pp. 1213-1224
Characterization of acid mine drainage sources in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: Base methodology for quantifying affected areas and for environmental management
Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 71, Núm. 6, pp. 2729-2738