Gómez Olivera
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Tamara Gómez Olivera (11)
Effect of acid mine drainage on dissolved rare earth elements geochemistry along a fluvial-estuarine system: The Tinto-Odiel Estuary (S.W. Spain)
Hydrology Research, Vol. 43, Núm. 3, pp. 262-274
Rare-earth-element fractionation patterns in estuarine sediments as a consequence of acid mine drainage: a case study in SW Spain
Boletín geológico y minero, Vol. 123, Núm. 1, pp. 55-64
Characterization of AMD pollution in the River Tinto (SW Spain). Geochemical comparison between generating source and receiving environment
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, Vol. 216, Núm. 1-4, pp. 3-19
Impacto del drenaje ácido de mina en las características hidrogeoquímicas del estuario de los ríos Tinto y Odiel (SO España)
Journal of Iberian Geology, Vol. 37, Núm. 1, pp. 87-96
Tinto Versus Odiel: Two A.M.D. Polluted Rivers and an Unresolved Issue. An Artificial Intelligence Approach
Water Resources Management, Vol. 25, Núm. 14, pp. 3575-3594
Drenaje ácido de mina y metales disueltos: del impacto ambiental al patrimonio minero. Aplicación al caso de mina herrerías en la faja pirítica ibérica
Una apuesta por el desarrollo local sostenible
Fuzzy Modeling of the Spatial Evolution of the Chemistry in the Tinto River (SW Spain)
Water Resources Management, Vol. 24, Núm. 12, pp. 3219-3235
Las teleras de Llano de los Planes: patrimonio histórico en la Cuenca Minera de Riotinto (SW SPAIN)
Una apuesta por el desarrollo local sostenible
Overall hydrochemical characterization of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Main acid mine drainage-generating sources (Huelva, SW Spain)
Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 390, Núm. 3-4, pp. 123-130
Relationships Between Conductivity and pH in Channels Exposed to Acid Mine Drainage Processes: Study of a Large Mass of Data Using Classical Statistics
Water Resources Management, Vol. 24, Núm. 15, pp. 4579-4587
Relationships between pH, colour and heavy metal concentrations in the Tinto and Odiel rivers (southwest Spain)
Hydrology Research, Vol. 41, Núm. 5, pp. 406-413