Publications (30) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. A new real time Lyapunov based controller for power quality improvement in Unified Power Flow Controllers using Direct Matrix Converters

    Energies, Vol. 10, Núm. 6

  2. An Energy Management Strategy and Fuel Cell Configuration Proposal for a Hybrid Renewable System with Hydrogen Backup


  3. Analysis of solar tower plant performance influenced by atmospheric attenuation at different temporal resolutions related to aerosol optical depth

    Solar Energy, Vol. 157, pp. 803-810

  4. Assessment on apparent power indices with hybrid active power filters

    2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2017

  5. Atmospheric transmission loss in mirror-to-tower slant ranges due to water vapor

    AIP Conference Proceedings

  6. Characterization of an NTD Double-Sided Silicon Strip Detector Employing a Pulsed Proton Microbeam

    IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol. 64, Núm. 9, pp. 2551-2560

  7. Comparative analysis of compensation strategies for series APF based on the electric power dual formulation

    2017 11th IEEE International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering, CPE-POWERENG 2017

  8. Daily global solar radiation estimation in desert areas using daily extreme temperatures and extraterrestrial radiation

    Renewable Energy, Vol. 113, pp. 303-311

  9. Easy handling of sensors and actuators over TCP/IP networks by open source hardware/software

    Sensors (Switzerland), Vol. 17, Núm. 1

  10. Electromagnetic compatibility analysis of a control strategy for a hybrid active filter

    Electric Power Systems Research, Vol. 144, pp. 81-88

  11. Estudio estadístico del viento aplicado a emplazamientos marinos

    Comunicaciones presentadas al XXI Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: celebrado en Cádiz del 12 al 14 de julio de 2017

  12. Evaluation of solar energy losses for the heliostat-to-receiver path of a tower solar plant for different aerosol models

    ISES Solar World Congress 2017 - IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry 2017, Proceedings

  13. H2RES2 simulator. A new solution for hydrogen hybridization with renewable energy sources-based systems

    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 42, Núm. 19, pp. 13510-13531

  14. How the BoP configuration affects the performance in an air-cooled polymer electrolyte fuel cell. Keys to design the best configuration

    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 42, Núm. 17, pp. 12841-12855

  15. Impact of a Saharan dust intrusion over southern Spain on DNI estimation with sky cameras

    Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 170, pp. 279-289

  16. Influencia de la rugosidad de la superficie del mar en la producción energética de los aerogeneradores marinos

    Comunicaciones presentadas al XXI Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos: celebrado en Cádiz del 12 al 14 de julio de 2017

  17. Isotopic identification using Pulse Shape Analysis of current signals from silicon detectors: Recent results from the FAZIA collaboration

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, Vol. 860, pp. 42-50

  18. Learning FCMs with multi-local and balanced memetic algorithms for forecasting industrial drying processes

    Neurocomputing, Vol. 232, pp. 52-57

  19. Los puertos perdidos del Tinto

    Universidad de Huelva

  20. Manual de prácticas de instalaciones solares fotovoltaicas

    Universidad de Huelva