La evaluación de la resolución de problemas en matemáticas, concepciones y prácticas de los profesores de secundaria

  1. Cárdenas Lizarazo, Janeth Amparo
Supervised by:
  1. Lorenzo J. Blanco Nieto Director
  2. Eloísa Julia Guerrero Barona Director

Defence university: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 22 July 2014

  1. Josep Maria Fortuny Aymemich Chair
  2. Antonio Manuel Aguas Borralho Secretary
  3. Luis Carlos Contreras González Committee member
  4. Laura Martignon Committee member
  5. María Luz Callejo de la Vega Committee member

Type: Thesis


The assessment of problem solving in mathematics: concepts and practices of secondary teachers. We assume that the evaluation is one of the organizers of the curriculum and as such should be integrated into the teaching and learning process . Furthermore, we understand that problem solving is a specific content that students should work reflected in the curriculum. And , therefore , must be evaluated. To work on these aspects we have worked with a group of high school mathematics teachers in Bogotá ( Colombia ) . In our research, we have developed four research instruments : questionnaire assessment of problem solving , beliefs questionnaire assessment, analysis of assessment activities facilitated by teachers and interviews. We conducted the triangulation results with corresponding discussion , commenting some contradictions , and noting similar ideas gathered from the four instruments . This has led us to propose some ideas developed in relation to content and the formation of secondary mathematics teachers.