Las teorías implícitas de los profesionales de la educación que trabajan con menores institucionalizados en centros de acogida sobre las conductas antisociales en la infancia y adolescencia

  1. García Moro, Francisco José
Supervised by:
  1. Jerónimo Juídias Barroso Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 25 September 2003

  1. José Luis Linaza Iglesias Chair
  2. Antonio Soto Rosales Secretary
  3. Felicidad Loscertales Abril Committee member
  4. Jesús Valverde Molina Committee member
  5. Susana Gaspara Paíno Quesada Committee member

Type: Thesis


Antisocial behaviour in childhood and adolescence are a real problem that requires responses tailored and appropriate. In the process of intervention is so important that the child manifested disruptive behaviours such as the professional who diagnosed and designs, develops plans and intervention. Conceptions of the professionals about the possible causes of antisocial behaviour and the lines more appropriate interventions to treat are, in our view, essential to foster closer responses appropriate and realistic to the interests and needs of this group of children. The objective of this research is to understand the implicit beliefs or theories that professionals involved with children with behavioural problems have on their possible causes and appropriate interventions to prevent and/ or treated.