La intervención enfermera como instrumento de formación en cuidados y autocuidados de personas mayores en el espacio domiciliario

  1. Rojas Ocaña, María Jesús
Supervised by:
  1. José María Rodríguez López Director
  2. María Isabel Mendoza Sierra Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 09 April 2012

  1. Carlos Marcelo García Chair
  2. Manuel Reyes Santana Secretary
  3. Julio Jorge Fernández Garrido Committee member
  4. María del Carmen Jiménez Díaz Committee member
  5. María Dolores González de Haro Committee member

Type: Thesis


Many variables influence elderly people learning. It consists on achieving the person WISH to be healthy, WANT to look after herself, KNOW how todo it and DO whatever is capable for to reach the desirable situation . The interventional model of Virginia Henderson considers three areas susceptible to deliver care or self-care: knowledge, power or capacity to execute their wish and the action, naming it as difficulty sources. For a practical implementation, healthcare professionals select the most adequate interventions according to their user needs, using the NIC methodological tool. Aims:-To describe the communication process peñormed by the nurse within the homecare settings as a facilitator element in relation to selfcare learning.-To classify educative nursing interventions in homecare settings according to the basic principies of Virginia Herdenson Nursing model and To analyse the level of development, limitations and improving proposals for facilitating activities within patients and carers' training process in selfcare.