Transposición y destransposición del saber matemático y didácticorepresentaciones y prácticas en la formación inicial de docentes + Anexos

  1. Lizarde Flores, Eugenio
Supervised by:
  1. José Carrillo Yañez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 08 July 2013

  1. Tomás Ortega del Rincón Chair
  2. Luis Carlos Contreras González Secretary
  3. María Cinta Muñoz Catalán Committee member

Type: Thesis


Through a case study and using Grounded Theory, specifically the constant comparison method, we investigated the processes of transposition and de-transposition of mathematical and didactic knowledge (at both the Normal School, and the Elementary School), as well as the dialogue and interaction between the social representations of teachers trainer, the students and the curriculum design which is officially proposed. We reviewed 9 lessons given by a teacher trainer concerning the topic II, �rational numbers�, which is included in the program of Maths and teaching II, that belongs to the grade of Primary Teacher Education. We also reviewed the analysis of teaching practice (from their statements in interviews, pre-and post-practice-tests and analysis essays) of 7 students, which included the design of a didactic situation, its implementation and analysis after it.