Innovaciones docentes en la Universidad de Huelvapercepciones del profesorado

  1. Triviño García, María Ángeles
Supervised by:
  1. Sebastián González Losada Director
  2. María Pilar García Rodríguez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 16 December 2014

  1. María José León Guerrero Chair
  2. Ana Barquero González Secretary
  3. Rosario Mérida Serrano Committee member

Type: Thesis


As all cultural and scientific institutions, the University should be in continuous transformation process because the society also takes its elements and apply their results. But, at the same time, the changes require a careful reflection process and critical analysis. A University is not improvised because it recreates, it reproduces and it shares the culture and the elaborated science of the social community. To act as if it was possible to change everything it would be only indicative of recklessness." (CIDUA, 2005:5). Because of this reality, different strategies and proposals of educational innovation are getting in practically the entirety of Spanish universities. Keeping this great effort to institutionalize the processes of educational innovation, the question is if this processes, fomented from the own institution, are enough to that change in teaching takes place. This research, wonders for the perception that the faculty has on the effectiveness of the educational innovations, its utility and relevancy; the resources with those that counts, the formation that has in this respect, its consideration on the evaluation of the own innovation, the recognition that it receives the effort that bears to develop innovative actions or the perception that the diffusion of the innovation has about. We will also be closer to the thematic ones more recurrent as regards educational innovation and their sustainability in the time; everything is in order to end up knowing what perception the faculty has of the University of Huelva on the educational innovations. This research is framed as in the descriptive slope as explanatory; it is "microsociologicar, of mixed and traverse character. In this research, sources primary as secondary has been appealed and they have been used for the collection of information for three types of instruments, one of quantitative (questionnaire) court and two of qualitative (discussion groups and analysis of secondary data) court. The study takes us to evidence that students' and professors� opinions about the educational innovations, are not as far away as a priori it could seem. Both communities consider that the innovations are essential to improve the process of teaching and learning; however, even coinciding in that, for the educational one it is not easy to put into effect this practice, students consider that the faculty is not implied too much and the faculty considers that the resources are not enough. The professors consider the pertinent, effective innovations; they help to achieve the objectives of the subjects. Both communities consider that the educational innovations can help a lot to the attainment of useful competitions in the working market of the professional futures and that to know this working market can allow offering more novel practices in the classrooms. The faculty is known formed to innovate although he understands that this formation should not have roof. It considers that the evaluation is an useful tool to understand the own innovation and it is demanded that it is implied more and more to the pupil in her, which says not to feel participant of this processes. The faculty really knows the roads of the University to give to know the innovations, but the scarce recognition that is given to as much as it surrounds to the properly this teaching, for the sake of the investigation, he makes him not to worry in excess to know this innovations. In spite of all this, our faculty is implied in an or another way in improving his teaching, and some of the topics stars in this respect it is the incorporation of new methodologies accompanied by the new technologies, which come marking the character innovator, although we understand since from these lines that he doesn't have to be synonymous of it, to make the same thing with new methods or resources it is not something innovative, it will be when we turn to our practices, when we reach real better bench marks of quality in our work that he will come countersigned with the satisfaction of students and his enjoyment with classroom work.