¿Qué aporta la educación patrimonial a la enseñanza de las ciencias experimentales?un análisis del patrimonio en los libros de texto de ciencias de la naturaleza de la ESO
- Morón-Monge, Hortensia
- José María Cuenca López Director
- María Ángeles de las Heras Pérez Director
Defence university: Universidad de Huelva
Fecha de defensa: 26 February 2015
- Roque Jiménez Pérez Chair
- Ana Rivero García Secretary
- Pedro Guilherme Rocha Dos Reis Committee member
Type: Thesis
This study is part of an educational project related to heritage education in the most popular teaching resources in secondary school. This project is executed by the Taller EDIPATRI which belongs to the research group in the University of Huelva. From Taller EDIPATRI is fostered a systemic and holistic heritage education perspective which is innovative for science education and even it can be consider as a reference for it In order to those facts, we implement a literature review from three main points or dimensions: concept of heritage, science education from its more humanistic and social perspective and analysis of science textbooks. This literature review leads us to deeper about what, how and for what teach science in secondary school from a heritage perspective. As a consequence of the results achieved in textbooks analysis and its process, we have approached two main ideas. On the one hand, we have approached what heritage perspective are enclosed in science textbooks. On the other hand, and as a consequence of this heritage perspective, we have inferred what difficulties there are to implement in our lessons a science teaching from its more humanistic and social perspective. This approach to science teaching through textbooks can guide us to design new teaching resources. Likewise, this can help us to know some possible difficulties of secondary teachers have in their teaching when they are not use those teaching resources from a critic perspective and use them as unique teaching resource.