Formación presencial y virtualinfluencia en una propuesta de educación sexual para alumnado prioritario

  1. García Rojas, Antonio Daniel
Supervised by:
  1. María Carmen Santín Vilariño Director
  2. Ramón Ignacio Correa García Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 15 February 2016

  1. Francisco Cabello Santamaría Chair
  2. María José Carrasco Macías Secretary
  3. Magdalena Suárez-Ortega Committee member

Type: Thesis


The core objective of this thesis was to evaluate the degree of knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of sexual education in university students. Students carried out two training sessions in three different moments. The training program was designed for attendance students and non-attendance (in a virtual mode) ones, and sessions were implemented in the course 2013/14 in the Catalog of Free Elective courses of the University of Huelva. Different profiles of students were acknowledged. Students enrolled voluntarily in the course following the standard procedures. To detect significant changes not only in terms of knowledge, but also in terms of attitudes, an online pre, post and after-post (three months later) questionnaire of 168 items was administered. The doctoral thesis is structured in two parts: a theoretical one, composed of the first five chapters, and a methodological one, composed of two chapters. In the first chapter an approach to the conceptualization of the sexual dimension has been made, including sexuality, gender and sex. Sexual orientation and gender violence in early dating relationships were also analyzed, and the chapter continues with literature focusing on adolescent sexuality and youth, and their sexual behavior. The second chapter focuses on sex education, with a chronological approach of sexual models. Also, experiences of other countries that provide sex education in their educational systems, as well as some guidelines for their intervention at school and classroom have been explained. The third chapter includes a study of the Spanish education legislation in pre-university education. It begins giving an account of Moyano's Law and it ends by considering the latest educational law: Organic Law for the Improvement of Educational Quality (LOMCE). In the fourth chapter a study on university education has been conducted. On the one hand, a review of all Spanish graduate degrees has been realised, including Official Master Degrees. On the other hand, a closer look has been done to those degrees that may be contain in their syllabuses contents of sexology. This section concludes with an account to virtual formation in university. The fifth chapter delves into the formation of pre-university teachers and other different aspects of the organizations. Then, sexual and gender education has been discussed and analyzed according to the offer available by the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Andalusia during the course 2014/15. In the sixth chapter, the quantitative research method has been described, including the hypothesis, the methodology and the results obtained in the investigation. Finally, in the seventh chapter, the general conclusions of this research and limitations have been listed, including an intervention proposal in sexual education at university level. To finish this summary, this thesis means an innovative contribution in an area in which most research has focused on other age levels, especially on adolescence or secondary education.