Entre el deseo y la desidiala suspensión del tiempo en la vejez

  1. Carrillo Linares, María José
1616: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada

ISSN: 0210-7287

Year of publication: 2006

Issue: 12

Pages: 141-147

Type: Article

More publications in: 1616: Anuario de la Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada


Luis Cernuda, in his poem "El tiempo" describes his childhood as "horas inmóviles, suspensas en el aire", and with those same words we could define old age as much as time perception is concerned. Time perception is subjective, and it depends on various factors. Along the life of an individual it varies significantly. Time flowing, being unknown for a child, becomes the well-known mortal weapon for an old one. The old one, even though he may perceived time as 'suspended in the air', moves paradoxically between the desire of suspending time, of stopping death, and the 'indolence' produced by time suspended. In the cinematographic production of Malory's La Mort d'Artur carried out in 1981 by J. Boorman with his film Exca1ibur, time is suspended for several central characters of the Arthurian 1egend. In Arthur, Guinevere, Merlin and Morgana time suspension is materialized in various ways, ways that move between the 'desire' and the 'indolence' and which culminate in death.