Una WebQuest para la orientación vocacional y profesional en Bachillerato
ISSN: 1134-3478
Year of publication: 2009
Issue Title: Políticas de educación en medios
Issue: 32
Pages: 215-221
Type: Article
More publications in: Comunicar: Revista Científica de Comunicación y Educación
The present paper exposes a teaching resource, designed to serve as a complement to the Vocational and Professional Counseling Program of High Schools. The WebQuest intended to facilitate students´ self-knowledge, the knowledge of the academic and professional environment and to help them in the process of decision-making. This work also presents the characteristics of the tool, the websites where it is housed, the working methodology, the objectives of the teaching resource, a description of the process the learners should go through in order to accomplishing the task, the most representative result and the final conclusions. As a final conclusion, we underline that the ICTs use in professional counseling could optimize and enrichment those interventions developed in High School centers.
Bibliographic References
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