Actitud y comportamiento medioambiental de las Pymeun estudio comparativo
ISSN: 0422-2784
Year of publication: 2009
Issue Title: Industria y medio ambiente : el reto de la sostenibilidad
Issue: 371
Pages: 183-192
Type: Article
More publications in: Economía industrial
In today´s context, it is clear the need of integrating the environmental factor in the business management. In this paper, after a bibliographical review, we will analyse the environmental attitude and behaviour of small and medium sized businesses (SME) in the Spanish province of Huelva. First, we will study the level of perception of the impacts of their activity in the environmental and then, we will focus in analysing the features and major factors that define the «environmental respectful behaviour» in this kind of business, comparing them to those that define this attitude in bigger organizations, usually more concerned and aware