Campus virtuales en universidades andaluzasTipologías de uso educativo, competencias docentes y apoyo institucional
ISSN: 1130-3743
Year of publication: 2011
Volume: 23
Issue: 1
Pages: 159-179
Type: Article
More publications in: Teoría de la educación
This paper is inspired on the Research Project for Excellence «E-learning platforms for virtualization of subjects». The main aim of this work is to depict the general use of virtual education in universities in western Andalusia and to identify current teaching uses of e-learning platforms in higher education. By means of a specific questionnaire, variables of the digital resources used were identified, as well as functionalities, technological competences of teachers and institutional measures. The use of Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) technique made possible the identification of four types of associated educational uses: a) a majority group of teachers using e-learning platforms mainly for informative purposes and with low competence; b) a group of teachers with high competence using e-learning platforms frequently; c) a group of teachers occasionally using e-learning platforms in contexts with scarce boosting measures and without technological training; d) a minority group of teachers widely using e-learning platforms, with high technological competence and in a favourable enviroment for the use of ICT.
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