Conocimiento de aritmética de futuros maestros. Debilidades y fortalezas
- Montes Navarro, Miguel Ángel
- Contreras González, Luis Carlos
- Liñán García, María del Mar
- Muñoz Catalán, María Cinta
- Climent Rodríguez, Nuria
- Carrillo Yañez, José
ISSN: 0034-8082
Year of publication: 2015
Issue: 367
Pages: 36-62
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de educación
Sustainable development goals
The social media have recently warned to public opinion about a truth that the research in mathematics education has been pointing up the last two decades: the poor mathematical training of primary teachers. These deficiencies, that we have being noticing in our universities with the prospective primary teachers (PPT), are our object of study. In this context, this paper describes a survey-type study on the mathematical knowledge required to teach of 737 prospective primary teachers from three universities in Andalusia. Based on the Mathematic Teacher Specialized Knowledge (MTSK), we have carried out a questionnaire addressing items related to fractions, decimals and percentages, contents chosen by its intrinsic transcendence, as by their application to other mathematical contents and other disciplines, in the ambit of primary school. This questionnaire has allowed us to explore the knowledge that these future teachers posses about these contents. The results of the study show an important number of weaknesses, some of them already described in research literature, and also some strengths. In both cases, the obtained information gives a base to explore other teacher training centers, elements of reflection to the academic authorities about the selection process to the access to university and, more concretely, to this training centers, as a starting point to redesign their training programs.
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