Evaluating the school assets that promote positive adolescent development from the perspective of the student
- Pertegal Vega, Miguel Ángel
- Oliva Delgado, Alfredo
- Hernando Gómez, Ángel
ISSN: 1135-6405, 1578-4118
Año de publicación: 2015
Volumen: 27
Número: 1
Páginas: 33-63
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Culture and Education, Cultura y Educación
The aim of this study was to develop a valid and reliable instrument for evaluating students� perceptions of their school�s key strengths, or school assets, using the positive adolescent development approach. To do this, we first created a scale after carrying out a review of the instruments already in use to evaluate school climate and aspects related to the school context which have been identified as factors that promote the socio-personal development and adjustment of adolescents. Secondly, expert judgement was sought to ensure the validity of the scale�s content. And finally, in order to analyse the psychometric properties of the scale, it was given to a sample of 2,400 adolescents (1,068 boys and 1,332 girls) aged 12�17 (M = 14.73, SD = 1.25) in secondary education in state and private schools in Western Andalusia. The results obtained endorsed the scale�s psychometric properties. The external and predictive validity of the instrument remains to be tested in future studies
Información de financiación
This research has been carried out within the Desarrollo Positivo y Salud Mental Adolescente (Positive Development and Adolescent Mental Health) project, reference no. 2008/00000239, funded by the Ministry of Health of the Government of Andalusia. / Esta investigación se ha realizado dentro del proyecto Desarrollo Positivo y Salud Mental Adolescente, con referencia 2008/00000239, financiado por la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía.Financiadores
- 2008/00000239
- Ministeriet Sundhed Forebyggelse Denmark
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