La educación del futurocreencias del alumnado
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 0210-5934, 2340-6577
Any de publicació: 2019
Volum: 71
Número: 4
Pàgines: 25-44
Tipus: Article
Altres publicacions en: Bordón: Revista de pedagogía
INTRODUCTION. We cannot conceive sitting down to work without turning on our computer and connecting to Internet. That is why we intend to test our ideas about the education in the future. Our goal is to establish the beliefs of students about the education in the future by exam-ining their opinions on the technological context, teachers, the teaching methodology and stu-dents. We also explore what relationships between these dimensions underlie their beliefs. METHOD. We conducted a survey on a sample of 431 students from the University of Huelva (Spain) using an ad hoc scale, called 'The education in the future', which aims to assess the beliefs of students about the education in the future and was composed of four dimensions: Technologi-cal Context, Future Professors, Future Teaching Methodology and future Students, We validate the scale by expert judgment, analysis of internal consistency and exploratory factor analysis, which redefine the initial scale. RESULTS. The students value, above all, the methodology of Col-laborative Projects, followed by the orienting-socio-critical teachers and the constructive-social students, above the technological context. We also see that the model that underlies student be-liefs places the project-based methodology at the centre of education in the future, determining teacher and student models, and determined to a lesser degree by the technological context. DISCUSSION. These results indicate that new contexts transform teaching and that methodo-logical changes demand a new type of student and teachers that are more focused on learning.
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