Contribuciones desde la arquitectura y la ingeniería a los edificios de energía minera

Supervised by:
  1. Miguel Ángel Martínez Bohórquez Director
  2. José Manuel Andújar Márquez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 22 September 2017

  1. Carlos Bordóns Alba Chair
  2. Carlos Cerezo Dávila Secretary
  3. José Antonio Grande Gil Committee member

Type: Thesis


In chapter 1 of this doctoral thesis we present an overview of the thesis, highlighting the innovations, the scientific contributions and the research transfer results carried out until the date of its deposit In Chapter 2 of this doctoral thesis we conducted a comprehensive review of the state of the art in scientific and regulatory knowledge regarding the energy efficiency of buildings. This chapter finish with a section devoted to the MEB concept, where a proposal for the nZEB Spain's definition is provided. Chapter 3: Ground thermal diffusivity calculation by direct soil temperature measurement. Application to very low enthalpy geothermal energy systems, comes to make a contribution for the incorporation of this kind of renewable energy to MEB buildings in subtropical climate. It develops a scientific methodology for the exact calculation of the thermal diffusivity of a soil. In a simple and, over all, economic way. To do this, using the geotechnical tests compulsory in the structural safety regulations, we measure the temperature of the soil to the depth where the very low enthalpy geothermal system (VLEGE) is going to be installed. This measure, carried out by an experimental probe developed y the research team, allows the thermal diffusivity of the terrain to be calculated through an analytical development, which is the fundamental parameter for the design and dimensioning of the VLEGE. Chapter 4: Simple, quick and low-cost measurement of thermal transmittance in buildings, aims to achieve MEB buildings by improving the insulation capacity of its envelope. It develops a quick, inexpensive and easy to use measuring system that allows multiple measurements to be taken at the same time in a single building or even in adjoining buildings when it comes to the energy retrofitting of an quartier or a complete neighborhood. A system has been developed that, contrary to what is done today, does not need to measure heat diffusivity in the building envelope. It only needs to obtain temperature measurements that, using the Fourier differential equation, known in some areas such as Newton's cooling law, gives us the value of the thermal transmittance (U-Value) of the envelope. Chapter 5: uhuMEB: Methodology of design, construction and operation of minimum energy consumption buildings in subtropical climate, is making a fundamental methodological contribution for the operational integration of the different phases of development of an MEB in subtropical climate. These different phases include negotiation, architectural design, facility engineering, construction management and the operation and maintenance phase of the MEB. A key tool for the implementation of this methodology is the building information model (BIM), with a specific level of development (LOD) for each phase. At the end of the chapter, a real experimental case is shown for the step-by-step validation of the methodology. It is a detached house in a subtropical climate called Casa Zaranda. Chapter 6: Energy retrofitting at territorial level, this is a complete and self-contained research on the contributions made to energy retrofitting at neighborhood level, for the significant improvement of energy efficiency in a subtropical climate region of Andalucía. Although in Chapter 5 it was experimented with a newly built single family dwelling, which allowed to put in value the developed methodology applied to new work, this chapter 6 constitutes a second and more extensive experimental test, applied to the energetic retrofitting of social housing in the eight main cities of Andalusian region. Finally, in chapter 7 of this thesis, we summarize the main conclusions and the future developments that derive from the research work carried out, focusing in the new research lines that are opened in the field of energy efficiency in buildings.