Conocimiento, necesidad y utilidad percibida de la enfermera escolar en el ámbito educativo rural
- Soraya Ceada Pérez 1
- Francisca María García Padilla 2
- 1 Graduada en Enfermería
- 2 Profesora Titular. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 1138-7262
Ano de publicación: 2021
Volume: 24
Número: 3
Páxinas: 50-57
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Metas de enfermería
Objective: to explore the knowledge, the need felt, and the utility perceived by the Primary and Secondary Education community regarding the role of the school nurse in the rural setting of Huelva (Andalusia). Method: a qualitative phenomenological study conducted on 2019. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with professors, fathers and mothers from the education centres of two populations within the rural setting of Huelva, who were selected through intentional and snowball sampling. Thematic analysis was conducted, based on pre-established categories. Results: twenty-three (23) interviews were conducted, until there was information overload (14 professors and nine fathers/mothers). Three categories were confirmed: knowledge about the school nurse, need for the school nurse, and knowledge and actions in health promotion. The participants considered that the role of the school nurse was necessary in both Primary and Secondary Education centres. The teaching staff found many difficulties to manage the clinical needs of the high number of patients with disabilities or chronic conditions. Lack of information and knowledge was detected among parents regarding health promotion at the school center. Conclusion: the discourse of the teaching staff, fathers and mothers involved, indicated the need and utility of implementing the role of the school nurse in the Primary and Secondary Education centres in the rural setting.
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