Youtubers infantiles, competencia mediática y contenido publicitarioDiseño y validación de un instrumento de análisis
- Carmen Baldallo-González
- Daniela Jaramillo-Dent
- M. Amor Pérez-Rodríguez
- Ignacio Aguaded (coord.)
- Arantxa Vizcaíno-Verdú (coord.)
- Yamile Sandoval-Romero (coord.)
Publisher: Grupo Comunicar
ISBN: 978-84-937316-5-6
Year of publication: 2019
Pages: 221-230
Type: Book chapter
This chapter describes the design and validation process for an instrument that enables researchers to evaluate two important and interrelated aspects in the YouTube context: the media competencies of child Youtubers and the advertising content present in their productions. The instrument was designed to respond to the impending need to study childhood experiences with media and the contents they face every day. After the design phase, the instrument was validated by a group of experts in the field, whose contributions helped to significantly improve its validity and reliability, which were subsequently verified in a pilot process with a small representative sample of the intended object of study.