Difusión de arquetipos monumentales en necrópolis portuarias del Mediterráneo y el Atlántico entre el cambio de era y el siglo III d. C.

  1. Lucía Fernández Sutilo
Del Atlántico al Tirreno: puertos hispanos e itálicos
  1. Campos Carrasco, Juan M. (coord.)
  2. Bermejo Meléndez, Javier (coord.)

Publisher: L'Erma di Bretschneider

ISBN: 978-88-913-2130-5

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 181-216

Type: Book chapter


The different investigations that have been carried out in relation to the Betic and Lusitanian port environments have shown that the configuration of its various infrastructures (docks, anchorages, piers, salting industries, port neighborhoods, necropolis, etc.) were the result of a provincialization of the architectural models emanating from the main ports of the Empire.In this line, the port necropolises played a prominent role within said suburbia, since their final occuPants were the first, because of their link with the port area, who known the different political, economic, social and religious changes that were gestating in the bosom ofthe Empire, leaving evidence of it its funerary topographies, typologies and rituals. That is why through the analysis of these versatile COncepts and infrastructures, we intend to be able to analyze the rate of change, as well as which were the main diffusion centers between the Change of Era and late antiquity.