Radio, educomunicación e interculturalidad. Análisis a partir de prácticas educomunicativas en escuelas rurales del sur de Chile

  1. Carías Pérez, Fernando
Supervised by:
  1. Ángel Hernando Gómez Director
  2. Isidro Marín Gutiérrez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 21 March 2022

  1. María Amor Pérez Rodríguez Chair
  2. Paloma Contreras Pulido Secretary
  3. Octavio Islas Committee member

Type: Thesis


The present work presents an investigation carried out in rural schools in southern Chile, located in the communes of San Juan de la Costa and San Pablo in the province of Osorno, on the role of educational radio in intercultural contexts based on associated practices to Educommunication. The study proposes as a general objective to analyze the radio as an educommunicative tool, determining its socio-educational and sociocultural function, while identifying strategies that allow the safeguarding and promotion of the Mapuche-Huilliche cultural heritage, mainly in terms of language and traditions, which they run the risk of disappearing due to cultural alienation. The research is framed within a qualitative methodology and various instruments and techniques for data and information collection were used, namely: participant observation, open interviews with key informants, record through the field diary, stories, recordings of audio and video, analysis of digital production (web pages, texts), documentary and theoretical research. The main results show that radio in contexts of intercultural education fulfills a mediating role of the teaching and learning processes in a pertinent way and in coherence with cultural demands and requirements, being an instrument that also promotes communication between cultures. Likewise, it is shown that radio, within the framework proposed by this study, can foster dialogic spaces for understanding diversity, generating a culture of peace and plural and truly democratic societies.