¿Liderar o dirigir?la dirección escolar en los centros educativos
- María Luisa Fernández Serrat 1
- Inmaculada Gómez Hurtado 1
- Raúl Parrillo Sánchez 2
Universidad de Huelva
- 2 Colegio Público Rural Adersa IV. Hinojales. Huelva
- Emilia Moreno Sánchez (coord.)
- José Ramón Márquez Díaz (coord.)
Publisher: Pirámide
ISBN: 978-84-368-4858-8
Year of publication: 2023
Pages: 75-95
Type: Book chapter
One of the most relevant elements in schools is without a doubt the school administration. Educational research shows the importance of the direct relationship between school leadership and educational improvement. Lead or manage schools? In this chapter we carry out a reflection and analysis of school management from its formal and social dimension. From the formal perspective, we Will describe the current management model and its evolution referring to access to the position, training and skills developed by the members that make up the management teams. From a more social and personal point of view, we will refer to aspects related to leadership skills personal of this profile.