Un estudio longitudinal del empresariado vinatero en el Condado Onubense

  1. Cinta C. García-Vázquez
  2. Juan D. Pérez-Cebada
Revista de estudios regionales

ISSN: 0213-7585

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 127

Pages: 163-190

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista de estudios regionales

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Condado´s wines can boast of a long business experience in foreign markets from the late Middle Ages. From the second half of the 19th c., coinciding with the first wine globalization, when Huelva experiences a phase of international expansion. A group of entrepreneurs, organized in national and international networks, were responsible for the industrialization of the sector. This article addresses the evolution and strategies of two generations of winegrowers in Huelva from 1850’s to 1930’s. In this context, two main questions arise: Firstly, what were the collaboration and competition strategies they developed? And, secondly, from an inclusive and sociocultural perspective, what were the interactions between businessmen, firms and the environment like?

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