Content On Active Ageing In University Degrees: A Study In Spain And Portugal
- Emilia Moreno-Sánchez 1
- Francisco-Javier Gago-Valiente 1
- María-Isabel Mendoza-Sierra 1
- Jesús Sáez-Padilla 1
- Estefanía Castillo-Viera 1
- María Cristina Campos de Sousa Faria 2
- Sandra Rebeca Lozano Carvalhal 2
- Susana Isabel Justo Henriques 2
- Emilia Isabel Martins Texeira da Costa 3
- María Jose Gouveia Baltazar 3
- Diana Maria Da Costa Bizarro Morais 2
Universidad de Huelva
- 2 Instituto Politecnico de Beja, Portugal
Universidade do Algarve
ISSN: 0211-7339, 2173-6855
Year of publication: 2024
Volume: 50
Issue: 182
Pages: 109-128
Type: Article
More publications in: Análisis y modificación de conducta
Background: to analyse the study plans of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the University of Huelva, the Beja Polytechnic Institute and the Algarve University, to identify content on attention to diversity, ageing and the four pillars of the World Health Organisation for this population. Methods: mixed design. A quantitative phase of data analysis was carried out with the statistical program SPSS. In the second phase of the work, and in a qualitative way, carried out an analysis of the content of the program collected in the syllabuses. Results: of the total of the 54 degrees analyzed, only in those related to the disciplines of Physical Activity, Psychology, Social Sciences, Gerontology, Nursing and Special Education, the contents related to the objective of the study were identified. Conclusions: many professionals who have contact with the senior population do not receive the necessary training to respond to the particular needs of individuals in this age group.
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