Teresa Morales
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Cristina Teresa Morales (5)
Peer mentoring experience related to information and communication technologies. A qualitative study
Nurse Education Today, Vol. 142
Barriers and Facilitators of Communication in the Medication Reconciliation Process during Hospital Discharge: Primary Healthcare Professionals’ Perspectives
Healthcare (Switzerland), Vol. 11, Núm. 10
Reasons for choosing and completing nursing studies among incoming and outgoing students: A qualitative study
Nurse Education Today, Vol. 125
The Health Education of the Huelva Travelling Chair (1956-1977)
Historia Social y de la Educación, Vol. 12, Núm. 2, pp. 193-231
Communication on safe caregiving between community nurse case managers and family caregivers
Healthcare (Switzerland), Vol. 9, Núm. 2