Department: ENFERMERIA


Area: Nursing

Research group: HIGIA


Doctor by the Universidad de Huelva with the thesis Estrategias de intervención en educación para la salud +1 disco compacto (CD-ROM) diseño de un programa de intervención sobre alimentación desde una perspectiva intercultural, para educación infantil y primer ciclo de primaria, en Huelva y su zona periurbana 2005. Supervised by Dr. María Dolores Guzmán Franco, Dr. Ramón Ignacio Correa García.

Mª de los Ángeles Merino Godoy Pfra. from the Department of Nursing at the University of Huelva, is the principal investigator of the project entitled "Design of a mobile application to educate young people in healthy habits" with file number PIN-0445/2016 and which has been subsidised with 27. 000 euros by the Regional Ministry of Health, according to Resolution of 20 December 2016, of the General Secretariat for Health Research, Development and Innovation, which grants subsidies for the financing of biomedical research, development and innovation in Health Sciences in Andalusia for the year 2016 and completed in 2019. Diploma in Nursing University of Huelva 1993 Master University of Huelva 1999 Doctorate University of Huelva University of Huelva 2005 University Master in Multicultural Education University of Huelva 2010 Inter-University Master in Nursing Sciences University of Huelva 2009 Diploma of Advanced Studies in the Knowledge Area "Didactics and School Organization" University of Huelva 2004 University Title of the "Pedagogical Aptitude Certificate" University of Huelva 1995 Superior Title of Nursing University of Huelva 2001 Bachelor of Nursing Hogeschool Zeeland 2002 His doctoral thesis, defended in 2005, and his publications, are developed in the area of health education. As a nurse and teacher in special education, her line of work addresses this area. Thus, since 2003 she has worked as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Nursing in Huelva and currently holds the position of Assistant Professor at the same centre. Within the scientific production, the PI of this project has carried out numerous projects and publications. As for scientific publications, she has 26. Among them, scientific articles cited by other authors and book chapters stand out. Citations of these articles can be seen in SCOPUS. In addition, it has participated in 6 R+D+I groups and teams and in 12 projects financed in public calls. Finally, we highlight his communications in national and international congresses, in conferences and seminars, as well as his participation in scientific committees and scientific societies.