Publications (28) Publications in which a researcher has participated


  1. Aplicación de los AFO/HAZOP a la seguridad industrial

    Ingenieria Quimica, Vol. 32, Núm. 371, pp. 134-140

  2. Bleaching of wheat straw pulp with enzymes in an oxygen-hydrogen peroxide sequence

    TAPPI Journal, Vol. 83, Núm. 11, pp. 65

  3. Chemical and rheological properties of an extracellular polysaccharide produced by the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. ATCC 33047

    Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol. 67, Núm. 3, pp. 283-290

  4. Comparative study of paper sheets from olive tree wood pulp obtained by soda, sulphite or kraft pulping

    Bioresource Technology, Vol. 71, Núm. 1, pp. 83-86

  5. Contaminación de aguas por herbicidas s-triazínicos: estudio electroquímico de la desactivación reductiva de simazina y propazina

    Tecnología del agua, Núm. 199, pp. 25-31

  6. Development of a spectroelectrochemistry assembly (SNIFTIRS) based on a commercial spectrophotometer. Test with the ferrocyanide/ferricyanide redox couple

    Electroanalysis, Vol. 12, Núm. 10, pp. 767-773

  7. Electron transfer reactions in micellar systems

    Progress in Reaction Kinetics and Mechanism, Vol. 25, Núm. 4, pp. 371-407

  8. Electroreduction of nitroaryl-1,4-dihydropyridines on a mercury pool electrode in mixed media. Analysis of the reaction products and their reactivity with biomolecules

    Journal of the Electrochemical Society, Vol. 147, Núm. 9, pp. 3406-3413

  9. Fractographic characterization of Al-Al3Ti samples produced by mechanical-alloying


  10. Influence of pH and protein thermal treatment on the rheology of pea protein-stabilized oil-in-water emulsions

    JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, Vol. 77, Núm. 9, pp. 975-983

  11. Influence of process variables on the properties of pulp and paper sheets obtained by sulphite pulping of olive tree wood

    Wood Science and Technology, Vol. 34, Núm. 2, pp. 135-149

  12. Influence of temperature and composition on the linear viscoelastic properties of synthetic binders

    Energy and Fuels, Vol. 14, Núm. 1, pp. 131-137

  13. Influence of the operating conditions on the properties of paper sheets obtained by kraft pulping of olive tree wood

    Bioresource Technology, Vol. 72, Núm. 2, pp. 147-151

  14. Influence of the operating variables used in the o step of the xop bleaching sequence of soda pulp from wheat straw on the quality of black liquor

    Environmental Technology (United Kingdom), Vol. 21, Núm. 2, pp. 193-200

  15. Linear and non-linear viscoelasticity of low-in-cholesterol mayonnaise

    Food science and technology international = Ciencia y tecnología de alimentos internacional, Vol. 6, Núm. 2, pp. 165-172

  16. Microestructura y propiedades reológicas de ligantes sintéticos

    Carreteras: Revista técnica de la Asociación Española de la Carretera, Núm. 108, pp. 59-66

  17. Modeling of the non-linear rheological bahavior of a lubricating grease at low-shear rates

    Journal of Tribology, Vol. 122, Núm. 3, pp. 590-596

  18. Modification of a commercial SMDE electrode to improve the precision of electrochemical measurements

    Electroanalysis, Vol. 12, Núm. 14, pp. 1143-1146

  19. Nitroradical anion formation from nitrofurantoin in carbon electrodes

    Boletin de la Sociedad Chilena de Quimica, Vol. 45, Núm. 1, pp. 091-097

  20. Obtención de pasta de celulosa al sulfato a partir de podas de olivo

    Afinidad: Revista de química teórica y aplicada, Vol. 57, Núm. 490, pp. 393-400