La credibilidad de una solicitud de asiloderecho comunitario y jurisprudencia de Estrasburgo (el caso N v. Finland)

  1. Arenas Hidalgo, Nuria
Cuadernos europeos de Deusto

ISSN: 1130-8354

Year of publication: 2007

Issue Title: La Unión Europea ante la inmigración

Issue: 36

Pages: 57-75

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos europeos de Deusto


The study presented does not look into any new challenges facing the International Refugee Law; rather it considers a classic problem, inherent in the system for determining the refugee's condition, an area which shows a remarkable lack of research and which is, probably, the true touchstone of the system, the greatest stumbling block the refugees face on a daily basis: the evaluation of the degree of "credibility" in applications for asylum, in absence of proof of persecution. When determining the likelihood of the story offered, the authorities, whether local government or the courts, do in fact have genuine discretionary powers which, frequently, the legislator attempts to correct by establishing evidence of and parameters for behaviour. Whilst the fourth provision in Directive 2004/83/CE is welcomed, which shifts some of the basic principles in this field to Community territory, the case of N vs. Finland aims to highlight the importance of the role played by the TEDH as guarantor-corrector of the discretionary nature at State level in favour of the spirit of justice and the humanitarian objective of granting asylum.

Bibliographic References

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