Evaluación de políticas públicas con técnicas de gamificación para la educación ciudadana

  1. Torres Toukoumidis, Ángel
Supervised by:
  1. María Amor Pérez Rodríguez Director
  2. José Ignacio Aguaded Gómez Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 14 November 2016

  1. Miguel de Aguilera Moyano Chair
  2. Andreu Casero Ripollés Secretary
  3. Laybet Colmenares Zamora Committee member

Type: Thesis


This research aims to propose a conceptual model of evaluation of public policies incorporating gamification in citizenship education. It starts from the consideration that gamification promotes engagement and motivation toward an activity extending the involvement of the users. In this case, the application is focused to encourage the integration of citizens on the development of decision making and on the proposition of new actions related to the Public Administration programs. Endeed, three models of evaluation of public policies were studied, in which the participatory evaluation model stood out for its reliability, validity, internal consistency and other data shown in the Delphi methodology. Ergo, it was added gamification indicators adapted to the user experience formalizing a conceptual model that will serve as a first draft to open a new area of knowledge within the evaluation of public policies imbedded on the media context.