La motivación del alumnado de primaria y secundaria y los libros de texto de ciencias

  1. Romero Fernández, Raquel
Supervised by:
  1. María Ángeles de las Heras Pérez Director
  2. Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel Director
  3. Gabriel Travé González Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 28 November 2016

  1. Roque Jiménez Pérez Chair
  2. Francisco Javier Perales Palacios Secretary
  3. Ana Rivero García Committee member

Type: Thesis


The aim of this research has been to analyze the science textbooks’ competential relevance perceived by 3rd grade students of Primary Education and 1st cycle of Secondary Education, as well as the relationship between another motivational variables and the influence inside the own educative motivation, under the approach of the self-determination theory (Deci y Ryan 1985, 1991, 2000) and the goal of achievement’s theory (Nicholls, 1989). In order to achieve this aim two main studies were carried out, one of them with a diagnosis character and the other with a motivational one. Each of them was compounded by different quantitative and qualitative sub-studies, depending on the analyzed aspects in each case. Throughout the diagnostic study it was made an approach to the competential context of students around the science textbook, so it was necessary to analyze the proposal activities of these books and cany out an approximation to the daily practice of teachers, hi order to facilitate the analysis, it was divided into two sub-studies being each of them in different educative levels. The motivational study was divided in four sub-studies. The first one was done to design and validate an instrument which was able to size the competential value of the science book perceived by the students. For that, a pilot test was carried out with 63 students of third grade of Primary Education and first cycle of Secondary Education, it was followed by a sample validation of more than one thousand students. The other three motivational sub-studies let us to approach to the knowledge about the relationship between the competential relevance of the science textbook, the motivational atmosphere, the satisfaction of the basic psychological necessities and the educative motivation, as a way of explaining the last one. Among the obtained results, we can highlight that the analyzed textbooks do not favor the development of the basic competences by means of students in either cycles. In this sense, although this kind of material is really present in the daily routine of teachers, its use is varied due to the personal perceptions about teachers’ materials. On the other hand, it was revealed that the task climate affect positively and with a high force about the competential relevance of the Science textbook than the ego climate. Both motivational contexts aspects intervene in the satisfaction about the basic psychological necessities which are mediator with the educative motivation. Likewise, the difference between genders was only established in the amotivation, being male students who have higher punctuations front female ones. At the same time, the differences between cycles were more significant because primary students used to be inside a climate more oriented towards the task, they felt more satisfied according to their basis psychological necessities and show less amotivation and high motivation levels than secondary education students. The obtained results have been discussed throughout the confrontation of them with the achieved in other researches of the same topic, as well as the results achieve by means of the diagnosis study of the same topic. In this way, it is finally obtained several conclusions and educative suggestions to favor a more self-determinant’s behavior of students.