Music as an enhacer of EFL spelling skills in diverse secondary classrooms
- Sofía García Carmona 1
- Analí Fernández Corbacho
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 2952-2013
Year of publication: 2022
Issue: 1
Pages: 56-81
Type: Article
More publications in: Linguo Didáctica
This research has as a main aim to check the benefits of using music in the FL classrooms, specifically with diver-se student populations who present lower proficiency levels in the target language. In order to carry out this project, the design of a pedagogical intervention has been necessary. In particular, two groups of the first year of secondary education took part. One group belonged to a bilingual program, the other one was a group for-med by students with some difficulties in their learning process, due to diverse circumstances. The intervention focused on teaching the spelling of the sounds /aɪ/, /eɪ/, /iː/ and of regular and irregular verbs in the past simple tense having music an essential role during the sessions. The intervention lasted three sessions, data was collec-ted through two dictation passages made at the be-ginning and at the end of the intervention. Classroom observation also offered qualitative data. Data gathered show interesting results which are highly positive. Howe-ver, some students would need more time to acquire the knowledge expected. Finally, some pedagogical impli-cations for future teaching interventions are provided
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