Tribunais de teses (8)

  1. Vogal do tribunal

    La presencia de lo religioso en la obra poética de Paul Durcan 2022

    Universidade da Coruña

    Ramos Chouza, Manuel

  2. Vogal do tribunal

    An enriching interplay in irish culture: the presence and functions of traditional folklore in four contemporary irish novels 2022

    Universidad de Zaragoza

    Wajs Tauscher, Catalina

  3. Vogal do tribunal

    Abused bodies: Magdalene asylums and the restitution of fallen women through fiction and popular culture 2021

    Universidad de Málaga


  4. Secretaria do tribunal

    The construction of identities in 21st-century celebrity culture: gender, heteronormativity and postfeminism 2017

    Universidad de Huelva


  5. Vogal do tribunal

    The Last Ten Years in the Bristish Education System 2016

    Universidad de Málaga

    Rodríguez Rico, Juan Antonio

  6. Vogal do tribunal

    Crystalline lens response to different optical signals 2016

    Universitat de València

    Moulakaki, Aikaterini

  7. Vogal do tribunal

    Optical impact of correcting elements 2016

    Universitat de València

    Zoulinakis, Georgios

  8. Presidenta do tribunal

    Bodies in transit: transnational feminist politics and Emer Martin's Baby Zero (2007) 2015

    Universidade de Vigo

    Rosende Pérez, Aida